Welcome to the Challenge! | Building Upward, LLC

Home Prayer

Welcome to the Challenge!

Welcome to the Challenge!

We will be getting started on Wednesday, February 22, so mark your calendar!

Before that day, please hop into the challenge Facebook group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/drawthecircle40dayprayerchallenge2023, read the welcome post, and introduce yourself in a comment on that post.  The challenge will be taking place in that Facebook group, so you’ll want to be sure to get in there before the challenge starts!

You will also want to get your book & read the introduction, prior to the start of the challenge.  The book is available in paperback, Kindle, & audiobook formats:

You will also want to get a notebook or sketchbook to journal in each day of the challenge.  Feel free to use one of your choice or the spiral bound ‘With God all things are possible’ one here.

We are excited to strengthen our prayer life together with you!

Don’t forget to invite a friend to join you in this challenge!  Share this link with them: https://www.building-upward.com/prayer
